The latest in the escalating arms race between Britain and Germany, the first Centurion rolled out of the Enfield Works just days before the Martian invasion of 1901. Quickly reduced to molten slag by the heat rays, the tradeoffs made between hull armour and additional firepower became painfully evident. It would be two years before another Centurion class entered service.
Type: LI(1)
Hull: 19
Shoot: 16
Melee: 12
AA: 4
Speed: 4
Command: 5
PV: 110
Hull: 19
Shoot: 16
Melee: 12
AA: 4
Speed: 4
Command: 5
PV: 110
A fairly simple modification of the Brigade Sovereign, the base for the deckhouse was filed smooth then scribed to continue planking across the deck allowing the deckhouse to be slid towards the rear and given a pair of funnels from styrene tubing. The mounting notches from the original sponsons were filled in and new ones fabricated from tubing sections bisected and filled (though 1/2 round rod would have been much easier).
Looking like the Imperator's meaner older sister, I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. I have another Sovereign model set aside for a mate. Playwise it hasn't faired as well though - having the greatest firepower on the board (and being my HQ) in its first game the martians immediately set upon it with five tripods and reduced it to slag in 2 turns!